Lube Production

FACE-TO-FACE was registered as a limited liability company to carry on the business of ENGINEERING Services and general marketing and blending of lubricants and other petroleum and allied product.

Oil Purifier machine
US environmental protection agency

Six criteria pollutants addressed in the NAAQS are Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Lead, Ozone (or smog), Particulate Matter, and Sulfur Dioxide. If the levels of these pollutants are higher than what is considered acceptable by EPA, then the area in which the level is too high is called a non attainment area. Jun 8, 2016 Air Quality Planning & Standards | US EPA

In delivering specialty engineered products as required by our clients, Face-To-Face has direct OEM relationships that cover the entire value chain of the oil and gas operations. We have relationships with the major equipment integrators., We offer a complete solution for all fiscal metering requirements in Oil & Gas Industry.

Special Engineering Product Units

Factory Blending Plant

Systems Integration & Automation

At FACE-TO -FACE , we have the required expertise to handle a wide array of control systems integration project ranging from basic process control system setup, Fire and Gas systems, SIS, safety surveillance system as well as full system integration for facility operation, monitoring and control purposes.

Our Spread

47b, Abba Johnson Crescent,
Off Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 9060003654,
+234 2598899

1112, Batavia Drive,
Auston, Texas, USA.
Tel: +234 9060003654

26, Quick Lane Avenue,
Ontarioa, Canada
Tel: +234 9060003654

Rehab Junction,
By Highway Church,
Monrovia, Liberia.
Tel: +234 9060003654